Thank you for helping us to protect the diversity and genetic integrity of our seeds, ensuring the foundation for a stable, safe food supply for us and for generations to come.
Your donation will fund the…
dedicated resources required to stay on top of the onslaught of new genetically engineered foods, flowers, plants and trees
communications with seed sellers to keep them abreast of GMO varieties that must be kept out of their catalogs
maintenance of the Seed Integrity Pledge website
public education to keep consumers abreast of GMO varieties
No donation is too small or too large. Contribute an amount that's right for you.
Please consider a subscription donation. This allows you to support us each month automatically. Just check the "monthly subscription” donation box.
Note: Many people choose to give from their assets – stocks, gifts from their IRA, cryptocurrency, and grants from their Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) to see even larger tax savings. Our EIN is 46-4564177.