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Thank you for helping us to protect the diversity and genetic integrity of our seeds, ensuring the foundation for a stable, safe food supply for us and for generations to come.


Your donation will fund the…


  • dedicated resources required to stay on top of the onslaught of new genetically engineered foods, flowers, plants and trees 

  • communications with seed sellers to keep them abreast of GMO varieties that must be kept out of their catalogs 

  • maintenance of the Seed Integrity Pledge website 

  • public education to keep consumers abreast of GMO varieties 


No donation is too small or too large. Contribute an amount that's right for you.


Please consider a subscription donation. This allows you to support us each month automatically. Just check the "monthly subscription” donation box.


Note: Many people choose to give from their assets – stocks, gifts from their IRA, cryptocurrency, and grants from their Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) to see even larger tax savings. Our EIN is 46-4564177.

Seed Integrity Pledge for Safe Seeds Heirloom Tomato

The Seed Integrity Pledge for Safe Seeds is a project of GMO/Toxin Free USA, a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and is made possible by individual donors and sponsors. Support the Seed Integrity Pledge.

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